Let's go on a walk.

I MISS being pregnant. I know, I know. It IS strange... a little octo-mom-ish.
I love being pregnant and always miss it when it is over (except for the first trimester puking). I am making a photo book for Hope to look at and thought I would post some pics on the blog. Thank you for all of you who walked this road with me!
The next two pictures were before I knew about her
but she was here... :)
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Matthew 7:11

Matthew 7:11
That is my cute dress from Target that I thought would be a beautiful maternity dress. I actually stuffed a pillow in it and cried because I wanted another baby so bad and the doctors told me I shouldn't get pregnant.
I wondered if I would ever be able to have more children.
I didn't know Hope had already come.
I had a child-of-God-temper-tantrum after seeing that my old friend from college was pregnant one night on facebook. I had shared the gospel with her in college and she said she believed it but didn't want to surrender her life.
She chose to not love God and she was healthy and pregnant.
I did love God and had a chronic illness and could not get pregnant when I wanted??
That did not sit well with me at the time. I was sad and angry.
(Ever been there? Take heart. God is at work. He hasn't fprgotten you. Your name is engraved on the palm of His Mighty hand- Is 49:16. )
I am very thankful for the character of God and that He doesn't toast me with lightening during my rants and whining sessions. "The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion."
Numbers 14:16
AND I pray God continues to bless my friend.
Often, it is his loving kindness that leads us to repentance:
"Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?"
Romans 2:4
I had no idea God had ALREADY given me the desire of my heart.
I feel so ashamed of my attitude that night.
I started to discover my sweet gift from God when I was at a wedding wondering why I was so nauseous.
Stopped at CVS on my way home with my friend, Deena, and took a test.
We jumped up and down screaming in CVS. They asked us if we were ok.
We jumped up and down screaming in CVS. They asked us if we were ok.
I was nervous to tell Tim. We had been through so much the last 4 years with my health.
For those of you who are new to my blog and don't know my story, click HERE for a little info.
It wasn't exactly the BEST timing.... (or was it? ;)
I put the pregnancy test in this card. It fell out when he opened it.
I put the pregnancy test in this card. It fell out when he opened it.
When we knew but no one else did....
(pics by Rich Smith Photography)

How I told YOU and FACEBOOK friends....
First trimester comes and goes with lots of puking and feeling terrible.
I puked in my sleep.
(Bonefish Grouper- in our bed but we won't go there.)
I had never been sick before. I knew it was A GIRL.
At 14 wks, the ultrasound confirmed what I already knew.
How I told YOU and FACEBOOK friends....
(Photos by Diana Simpson)
Clue #1

Clue #4!
A G.I.R.L.!!!

We LOVE the beach.
I can't wait to go back this year.
We are all so pale and peaked after this long winter.
We need some Vitamin D!

So fun.
36 weeks
36 weeks
(Photo session with Diana Simpson)

Recognize that dress?

It never snows in Chattanooga.
It snowed more when I was 3 cm dilated and about to go into labor than in the last 10 yrs combined. It made me a nervous wreck trying to figure out how in the world we would get to the hospital. I was so worried my DOCTOR WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO BE THERE and that I would end up delivering this baby with Tim in my bed.
It snowed more when I was 3 cm dilated and about to go into labor than in the last 10 yrs combined. It made me a nervous wreck trying to figure out how in the world we would get to the hospital. I was so worried my DOCTOR WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO BE THERE and that I would end up delivering this baby with Tim in my bed.
The day before I held Hope.
Goofing off at the hospital when we checked in.
The day before I held Hope.
Oh, how naive we were.
My beautiful friends who were with me every scream of the way.
My beautiful baby girl.
What a picture of the faithfulness of God she is to me.

"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, HOPE. And HOPE does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:3-8
Thanks for the walk down memory lane. Hope will love to hear the stories about your heart to have a little girl. Keeping loving, cherishing, and enjoying those precious gifts that the Lord has bestowed you and Tim with.
Time goes so fast (today is our daughters 22nd birthday) where did the time go?
Have a blessed week.
Love ya,
That was a nice walk! You have a beautiful family and I enjoyed about your journey.
LOVE this post! It's so fun to remember.
btw: where did you get your orange swimsuit?
OMGoodness... hope spelled with chuck laces?!? how cool is that!!!
I love this post and all the images are so beautiful, I especially like the series of pictures with you and the ice cream 2 blue and then a PINK scoop. I am still praying for my Hope in a Boys world, doctor told me I should try again but I believe God is leading us to it and if so He will make a way.
Thanks for sharing
Laura Ann
Love it, girl!! I am at 35 weeks and 1 day, and I'm more uncomfortable than I have been than at this stage w/my other two pregnancies, but I am really enjoying it. I love being pregnant. I love wondering what my little baby will be like. Remembering what it was like last time makes me get all choked up, I'll admit. It will be hard to not dwell on it, I think. But I am very excited to meet little Thomas. "Hope" to see you soon. ;)
Loved this post! Steph, will you tell me what illness you suffer from? I am suffering from hypothyroid and addisons disease. You can email me if you want to share. annkatherine@gmail.com Beautiful accounting of the past several months! I am not supposed to have any more babies either. :(
Amen! What a wonderful walk...with Jesus by your side! Congratulations once again!!!
Beautiful post, Steph! I loved it too. I had forgotten about the ice cream pictures with the pink scoop on top -- LOVE them! What a fun walk down memory lane..and now you have your precious Hope to show for it: )
That's AWESOME Stephanie! What a wonderful memory book for her to cherish! Beautiful photos and I LOVE the last one, so creative and fun, just like you :) Congratulations again...such an amazing blessing! You look just stunning in all the pics, it was so fun to see the transformations :) Take care!
{and yes..a little sand and sun would be wonderful right now! We have a trip planned for Cancun in June after school! We've never been and I can't wait! Good-bye snow! :D }
oh, i love your photos and trip down memory lane... i loved being pregnant too, and even though i have 3 kids, i know in my heart i am not done.
your pictures and family are just beautiful!!!!
What an awesome post! I love the way you've chronicled and honored Hope's precious little life so far. She is utterly perfect!
- T.S.
PS- Where did you get that adorable maternity bathing suit? :)
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