Friday, February 29, 2008

Best Friends

Every Friday morning at 8:00, the trash man comes. Bubba loves the trash man. The ritual is to wrap up in the warm, green blanket and wait. Then- their eyes meet. I don't know who is more exited to see the other, but it is so sweet. We have been doing this for 2 1/2 years.
Look at that sweet little hand!
You can make these bigger to see the sweet garbage man.
I hope we make his day.
He makes ours!

It is kind of like when Forrest Gump sees Lt. Dan when he is on the boat.

It is SO cute.


Paul and Becca said...

That is so cute. I love traditions. I bet the garbage man loves it too. Nathan and I are working on a few traditions, currently we read Brown Bear every day and sing Jesus loves me during happy time. (I can't seem to remember the words to any other children's songs yet.)

Julie and Luke said...

I really love this because Bubba just sees him as a great guy who drives a big truck. I wish everyone saw him that way.