We went to a monster truck show a couple of weekends ago. I had never been to one before. It was suprisingly fun because the trucks look like they could wreck at any second.
We have been so busy this summer. We have been out of town tons and had loads of people come to visit us. It has been great but I am so thankful for a day in my pjs.


This was some kind of wacky "smoke out". They would burn their wheels until one blew. Whoever made the most smoke, won.
This world of testosterone is very strange.

That is my sister's little boy, Jack.

Her little girl, Allie.

Her lunatic husband, Hanes.

I took them to mom's for VBS. They went to one in the morning and one at night.
They were both so great.
Here is a boat they got to ride in the parking lot.

I have never seen Reece so tired. He said he wanted to go to sleep at noon one day in between Bible Schools. This is where I found him. I moved him into a bed but had to take this picture. They would live with my mom if I would let them and maybe see me on holidays.

Thanks for taking care of us and letting us trash your house, mom!
this reminds me of this really annoying commercial that would play locally in memphis of this really big guy yelling "MONNNNNSTERRRRR TAH TRUCK TAH TRUCK TAH TRUCK!!!!!"i've never been to monster truck but i have been to motorcross.
The things we do for our sons... :o)
I can't believe I missed you guys. I was out of town during the first part of the week and intended to come and see you on Friday - but you were already gone! Your pix are delightful. The very last two pix are my favorites.
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