Tim and I just got back from a much-needed weekend away. I cannot even remember the last time we did something overnight. It is hard to find babysitting for my little chipmunks. It intimidates most people but we found someone and made reservations as fast as we could at Brasstown Valley Resort in Georgia. This is the most amazing place for a little love retreat with your man. If you live within 5 hrs, I think it would be worth it. Suprise your husband and take him there. He will love you for it. We have been about 5 times and are blown away every time by the beauty, food, ambiance, service and affordability. It is just incredible.
I fell in love with Tim all over again. I am not sure how I can be more in love with him but it just keeps getting better and better... sweeter and sweeter... richer and richer. I love being with him. The ladies working there thought he was handsome (one told me) and that makes me proud that he is mine. One even asked me how I got such a handsome, nice husband. I said emphatically, "I prayed and waited... and prayed and waited!".
I love it when it is just us. Our marriage is such a safe place. When we are together talking and just being in love, something so cool happens. It is like going to a secret place that no one knows exists except the two of us. A love so deep. I had no idea any place like that existed until January 19, 2002. I remember praying before we got engaged that if Tim was God's husband for me, that He would give me a love for him that was not my own. He answered that prayer. ;)
Ok, you can stop gagging now. My favorite part of the weekend besides all the romance was that I BEAT TIM AT PING-PONG!!! It was fair and square and that is not easy. I DID IT!!!!! He can put spin on the ball and I can't so he has a total advantage but it was neck and neck until the last point. It was such a good game, people would walk by in shock because the ball was flying over the net like the Japanese guys you see on TV. That was really, really fun!!!!!!!!!!!
So after romance and winning at ping-pong, my 3rd favorite thing was the French Toast on the breakfast bar. Breakfast bar is not the right description-think 'heavenly-breakfast-banquet -like-you-have-never-dreamed-of". The French toast was covered in brown sugar and deep fried. Oh my goodness, if you go for no other reason, go for the French toast. They also have malt waffles with tons of toppings. Oh my!
Also on top of my 'favorites list' was being able to spend time with the Lord and just be still. The beauty of the mountains and trees He created was breath-taking. We caught the tail-end of the leaves changing and it was 'awesome' (in the truest sense of the word). I rode with Tim while he played a round of golf and I just stared at the beauty all around me. Tim had a great time. I am not a golfer. I actually think it is the ultimate cave-man sport but it makes my guy happy... so it makes me happy. Here are some pictures. Enjoy the scenery!
I thought these pictures Tim took of the light on my Bible were so cool. I love how it is glowing... just like it illuminates our lives.

You know I loved this!
I was really encouraged by all the Churches and all the Scripture EVERYWHERE up there. The Church is still alive and at work in our country!! I was so thankful. It was so refreshing to me to remember how many believers are out there praying. My love for the Church (the body of Christ) has grown so much in the past week. I have also been thinking about the Christians who have gone before us, fought hard for Christ and passed us the torch. That makes me feel determined and re-energized to do my best... before I pass my torch. (Hebrews 12:1-3)
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven.
Think about all he endured when sinful people did such terrible things to him, so that you don't become weary and give up."
We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven.
Think about all he endured when sinful people did such terrible things to him, so that you don't become weary and give up."
I feel like there are 2 specific things I need to be working on in my life.
1. Worship- Anna, a widow spoken of in Luke 2, never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Wow! I want a heart like she had for worship.
2. Repentance- "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance". Luke 3:8 As I pray for God to use me, I realize that the fruit only comes when I have a heart of repentance.
Be Blessed...
and go away with your man! ><>
p.s. I put a bunch of new songs on my playlist for my friends who listen to my music during the day. I hope you like them!
So glad to be back home. I can't stay away from my guys long.
What a beautiful place! You've got my interest. I love all the pics!
Have you heard of Whitestone Inn? It is a Christian owned B&B in Kingsport, TN - only about an hour from Chatt. We've been many times - we've lost count. I highly recommend it! No golfing, but definitely relaxing and beautiful scenery.
yeah for wonderful time away just the two of you! and I'm not gagging. . . cause, well, I'm just thrilled to know there are other couples out there who are devoted and in love AFTER marriage :) I can relate and praise The Lord for such a wonderful blessing - I thought you put it well about a "secret place" - it truly is that. and I cherish it with my whole heart and life. It's like our relationship with Jesus too - a secret place that He and I go, and walk and talk. :) love THAT COLOR in those shots! :) Now, that's what fall is to look like ~
Just want to say how happy I am that you two got a weekend by yourself! It looks like you had a blast. Wish Heather and I could do something like that.
One more reason I posted... UNBELIEVABLE pic of Tim bending down on the golf course. You've GOT to blow that picture up. It's amazing!
hi stephanie,
well deserved special weekend for you both! those are amazing pics! leo and i need to do a get away ourselves but lucas is just too young.
i do have a prayer request. PLEASE pray some more for the state of california. the intercessors are badly needed right now! since proposition 8 passed (amending marriage description is between a man and a woman) the opponents of the prop have been picketing christian churches, catholic churches and mormon churches (they donated huge amount of $ to support prop 8). there's literally hundreds of people protesting close to where we live and i had been praying faithfully in the spirit.
***please pray that this (protests/pickets) will not persuade the ca judicial system to step in once again and disregard what the majority voted for the 3rd time.
***please pray for the churches to be safe and that the body of Christ will stand up together and fight.
thank you for your friendship. i am so thankful that i got to meet you through blogging. i also wish that we lived by each other. what fun that would be with our boys and just amazing prayer times!
your friend,
mary anne
Looks like a fabulous place for a getaway! So glad you were able to find someone to keep your boys so you and sweetie could have a time away together! I googled it and it's 4 hours 54 minutes away from where we live...will have to plan a getaway after the baby comes! I love the picture you took of the tree! Target sold a series of framed prints a couple of years ago that looked just like that!
hey girl, great weekend! love the bible shots as well. I miss you we need to hang out! dd
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