They ALL remind me so much of riding to elementary school in the Grand Prix. 8 tracks, of course. Good times, good times!! Eddie Rabbitt rocks the house!
Love you!!!
Reece begged for a camera this Christmas. We gave him our old one that has been sitting in a drawer for 2 years. He LOVES it and takes pictures everywhere he goes. Here is a peek into his little world. These are unprompted pictures. Things he loves...
His present from Mimi and Don.

his friend, Hayden.

He started reading through the Bible Jan. 1. It is a translation that is easier to read called God's Word translation (God's Word for Boys). This is what we do first thing when we wake up. It is such special time. I am so proud of him for his reading. For the last year the goal has been for him to be able to read so he could READ HIS BIBLE! Now he is doing it. I am just so proud...sniff, sniff...

You would think Lyssa and Laini's house is Disney World. My boys LOVE their house. Thank you for having us over, Kristy. You can feel the love of God in your home.

I thought this was a really cute picture! Rich Smithish. Love looking at life through the eyes of children.

Life from the back of the van.

Awww! I hope they know how much we love each other. I have thought so much about how blessed we have been because of OUR parents decisions and love for each other and God. Our decisions not only affect us but our children and generations to come! If that isn't motivational to love God, I don't know what is!!
his friend, Hayden.
He started reading through the Bible Jan. 1. It is a translation that is easier to read called God's Word translation (God's Word for Boys). This is what we do first thing when we wake up. It is such special time. I am so proud of him for his reading. For the last year the goal has been for him to be able to read so he could READ HIS BIBLE! Now he is doing it. I am just so proud...sniff, sniff...
You would think Lyssa and Laini's house is Disney World. My boys LOVE their house. Thank you for having us over, Kristy. You can feel the love of God in your home.
I thought this was a really cute picture! Rich Smithish. Love looking at life through the eyes of children.
Life from the back of the van.
Awww! I hope they know how much we love each other. I have thought so much about how blessed we have been because of OUR parents decisions and love for each other and God. Our decisions not only affect us but our children and generations to come! If that isn't motivational to love God, I don't know what is!!
when I saw you put "The Streak" on your music I almost peed my pants! My brother and I had a Ray Stevens VHS that we watched ALL THE TIME! We used to sing those songs nonstop when we were little! We even saw him live at Dollywood a few times. :) That song is a total highlight of my childhood!
Oh, and I saw the Oak Ridge Boys live in concert when I was 10. (Would you believe we chose them over Garth Brooks?) Definitely listened to that tape and record 1000 times too! :)
Eddie Rabbitt just never gets old!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I can still see you in my rear view mirror rolling your eyes at my choice of music:-)Good times. Good times.
I loved you then and I love you now!!
this was a precious post thanks!
Gerrit loved seeing Reece's pics! He can't wait to get back to basketball. Email me - maybe we can get the boys together this week. I'm really lousy at blogging but you can fine me on facebook if you are out there at all. That's how I keep up with teenagers! Blessings:)
It IS wonderful seeing it through little boys' eyes! Jacob and Elijah take pictures a lot too. Do you know how many pictures we have of the cat, dogs and fish?!?!
They take pretty good ones of people of course, about 1/2 of them have heads cut off. LOL But they love it. Anthony's parents gave them both kid-proof digital cameras last year for Christmas. They enjoyed them until we started letting them use our camera. They love the zoom. I just may steal your idea and post some Jacob and Elijah originals on my blog ;)
Gotta love the back of my head! :)
Those are some seriously good pictures! Better than some of mine.
Your new songs are FABULOUS!! My dad and I have an inside joke with Eddie Rabbitt, so I had to chuckle. And who doesn't love The Streak? Oogedy--boogedy! Matthew and I just listened to all four songs, and he even danced a little bit to 9 to 5.
Love ya, girl!
That was a great idea for a post! Who knows, maybe he will grow up to love photography like you do :)
Love the pictures.
So sorry about Tim's arm. The good thing sounds like you might get a little more family time since he can't work for a while. We enjoyed getting to see y'all! Also, I really enjoyed getting to read your Why post? You should print out as a pamphlet or small book.
My brother and sister and I would giggle so much when we heard "The Streak" as kids. Thanks for adding this song. What great memories!
Now we really get to see life in a boy's world! Precious!
Oh and love the Eddie Rabbit, ha, brings back memories rollerskating as a little girl!
Love seeing all the pictures through little boy's eyes! Those are priceless! I need to get my son a better camera...he's starting to take some good ones on his kids camera...but they are always blurry!! Good idea!
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