"Bless the Lord, O my soul: AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME bless his holy name!"
Psalm 103:1 

You can click on this and make it bigger. It is so fun. Thank you so much to my sweet friend Diana Simpson!!

You can click on this and make it bigger. It is so fun. Thank you so much to my sweet friend Diana Simpson!!
I AM IN SHOCK!!!!!!!
You have my attention!!!!!!
I think it's a girl, you already have 3 boys and 3 scoops of blue ice cream gone!
How fun!
I say girl too!
YAY!!!!! I am SO,SO EXCITED for you guys!!! Pink, pink, pink!!! :)
Congratulations!!!! Those boys are going to LOVE having a little sister!!! (So do you just keep a photographer in your pocket or what???)
congrats again stephanie!
Cute reveal! Congrats and as they say "think pink!!"
Oh how cute! What a sweet pic...a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I can't wait to hear more! You look gorgeous, and hope you've been feeling better!
Congratulations on your baby girl! What an awesome way to announce- very creative! I have been a long-time blog reader/lurker. I think I sent you an email a few months back- anyway, I could not be more thrilled for you all! I live in K-town and recently figured out that your Mom and I teach at the same school! :) This is my first year teaching there -after a 3 year maternity leave :)-so I hope she does not think I am too crazy for introducing myself as "I read your daughter's blog!" She didn't seem to think that was too nuts anyway! Thought I would actually leave a comment this time and give you a proper Congratulations. Many blessings and prayers for you and your baby girl (and those big brothers to be!)
Anne Marie
What an adorable way to announce your baby's gender!!! All I saw at first was the blue ice cream and I thought for sure it was another boy.
THEN I got to the end and saw the pink scoop.
She's already one very, very blessed little girl...for so many reasons!
adorable way to announce!!! congratulations and praying for you!
YAY!!!! A girl!!!! Congratulations... I am SOOO excited for you!!!!
Congratulations! You are going to have so much fun with her! Tim is toast! So happy for you!
Now that is some announcement...and Tim the proud Daddy too....thanks for letting us all share in the gift.
You are so cute!! Congratulations..now you can buy cute little things like the cute little jacket you sent me! hhhmmm...want that back??? :-) so. so. so. exciting!
This tickles me PINK!!!
And the verse about your pictures just make me cry. Beautiful. Love it.
yay! I knew it! congrats!
I am in shock too! CHILLS! How wonderful for your family!
How cool! I'm sure you are out of your mind excited. She will be well protected with three big brothers. Congrats!
i like your new blog title. you girls are still outnumbered though :)
I loved watching the pictures come up on Facebook last night...and they are just as cute this morning when I look at them! Just so happy for you!! And great job Diana - very cute idea!!!
Hugs from Indiana!
YAY!! a baby girl!! that's so exciting!! congrats :)
OH Stephanie! Praise the Lord for a sweet little girl! What a blessing. :)
Praying for a healthy baby and healing for you!
I just have to know who ate all of that ice cream! I hope the girls in the family enjoyed it :) Congrats! Cherie
Yay! Yay! Yay!
I'm so happy for yall!
YEAH!!!! It was totally worth a fourth "try"!! I am so happy for you - you are going to go crazy dressing her - just wait!
LOVE these ice cream pics - such a clever way to say, "IT'S A GIRL!" Congrats!!!
This was ADORABLE! The best baby announcement ever! Congrats on the girl! So exciting! So question: are you going to rename your blog? :)
YAY!!!! I'm so so thrilled for you. I know you would of been happy with another adorable boy but I can tell you as a mother of three boys and then a sweet baby girl there is just nothing like having a daughter!!
Your announcement was awesome and so clever.
I am so excited for you! When I saw the first picture with the blue cone, I actually groaned out loud, "But I want her to have a GIRL!". By the time my husband made it into the room to see what I was talking about, I saw the pink cone! So excited for you and your family!
Congratulations!!! (From one mom of three boys-I can only imagine the shock!)
LOVE the new blog title! :)
LOVE the pictures! Congrats, Steph!!! Tim better go out and buy the pink paint now!!! : )
YEAHHHHHH I picked girl in your poll at the top!!! I am so excited for you and I LOVE the pictures!!!congratulations!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! The photo's are too cute :)
YOU give me HOPE!!!!
I have 3 boys (A is 6 years old, T & A are 23 month old identical twin boys) and I'm pregnant with #4 (and LAST baby)
I AM PRAYING TO THE LORD that He gives me a GIRL!!!
I mean, I would be happy with a boy too, cause I feel like i'm a pro now..but being our last baby, I would love to give my hubby and I a princess. Oh how I long for a babygirl!!!!
Would you pray with me?
Much MUCH appreciated,
ps: Your family is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
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