Last weekend, we celebrated Reece's 6th birthday. Birthdays are a HUGE deal to him (I think he gets that from his momma). I don't really do big parties any more because they wear me out so we headed to my mom's house to party with family. I love my family so much and think it is WRONG that we live 3 hours away. But, that is just the deal for now. My grandparents have been a huge part of my life and have never missed a birthday party, homecoming, sports event, etc... Now, they get to celebrate their great-grandchildren's birthdays! I want them to live forever. You may remember when I surprised my grandfather on his birthday by honoring him at his Church. It was not a pretty sight. I horse-cried as I talked about how much I loved him.
We have a tradition on birthdays to have a 'birthday doughnut' on the morning of their birthday. I am not sure what we will do for Lake because he can't eat doughnuts due to his egg allergy- he had a jelly biscuit this year and loved it. He had sherbet instead of cake at the party. His allergies DRIVE ME NUTS because of his eczema. He is constantly itching. For anyone out there that has an allergy kid, the one thing that has helped his eczema is putting 1/2 cup of bleach in his bath twice a week. It kills the bacteria that causes the itching.
Birthdays for the boys are basically junk-food festivals. I try so hard to get them to eat healthy so we don't keep a lot of junk food in the house. This year Reece begged to go to McDonald's and for a huge tub of cheeze balls from Sam's. You can see from the pictures that the cheeze balls were a hit! I framed one of his pieces of art in one of my frames to go in their new room.
My tummy is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. I am as big at 13 weeks as I was at 20 in my last pregnancies. I feel like I have never done this before and am constantly amazed with the things that come along with pregnancy. For instance, the hair on my legs is growing so fast, I could shave twice a day. Or, when I am ready to puke one minute and psycho-hungry the next. When I am sleepy, it is time to go to bed NOW and I could sleep the whole next day if no one woke me up. I am really cold when I get in bed and wake up sweating... I mean really sweating. That always makes me happy though because it makes me feel like I am incubating my little peanut. I am already nesting and re-decorating/re-organizing everything I can get my hands on. Poor Tim. He has been painting and moving furniture a lot lately. My fingers are already starting to swell and leave a line wear my wedding ring is in the mornings. The whole thing is fascinating. Life, what a GIFT!!!!
I haven't been taking many pictures lately because I still don't ever feel like doing anything except sleeping, puking or eating. Hopefully, I will be back to my normal picture-taking self soon.
Here are two videos from the weekend. The first is when Reece got his Aircraft carrier (I knew it would be a hit!!). When he gets excited, his voice goes into glass-shattering soprano. It is so cute....
The next is some footage Tim took at my mom's house. It is just unedited family time at my parent's house and it makes me so happy. There is nothing exciting in this video except all the people who love me most in this world!! HOME. I love my family.
I really want to move blog sites and hope to make the move soon. Does anybody have any ones that LOVE more than blogger?? Blogger won't let me center, spell check, upload my pictures in the order or place I want to put them anymore. I think I have maxed it out over the last 2 1/2 years. So, time to move on and until then, Angela... will you be my spell checker? :)
Aaron & Audrey keep saying "AGAIN, AGAIN!"
They love watching Reece open his Aircraft carrier!
Happy Birthday Reece!!!
The videos and your words about your family brought tears to my eyes. What blessings, how deeply you appreciate their love and how openly you express your love for them. Do you have a picture of you and your grandfather that you'd post?
Happy birthday to Reece! Wow - 6!! Family time is so special, huh?
We recently found out that one of our twins, Austin, is allergic to eggs, peanuts (and other tree nuts) and cats. (Of course - we have 2 cats - great.) Anyway - I wanted to ask you about the egg allergy that Lake has. Our allergist said things that have egg baked in them are okay - but we would know if it was undercooked or something. But - that being said - Austin is always pretty itchy and sometimes I wonder if it's the cats in the house, or something with egg in it, or maybe he has a milk allergy, too (they didn't check for that). Can Lake eat anything with eggs or nothing at all? Was it just trial and error? Any suggestions?
My new e-mail (not sure if you have it) is ddjday (at) hotmail (dot) com. Thanks Steph!
Praying for you and this baby!!!
Blogger used to spell check?? I never knew!
Sure, girl, I'll be your spell checker. Anytime. :)
Those pictures and videos are PRECIOUS!!! I love, love, love spending time at my mom's house with the whole family there, and I just take it for granted that we all live here in north GA. How much I would miss them all if we lived even 30 minutes away!!
Happy birthday precious Reece!!!
My mom was a health food nut and we were never allowed the fun, sugary breakfast cereals as kids but we would get a box of it for Christmas each year. I still remember the Christmas I got "Smurf Berry Crunch"!!! The little things. I bet Reece always remembers his cheese puffs. :)
I love your pregnancy update. I could have written the exact same details to the letter except for the showing part. The hunger/vomitting thing baffles me daily. I wonder you have a lil girl in there b/c you are showing early and you are just carrying her differently? :) Either way that is one lucky lucky baby. Love you Steph!
Great pictures! Happy Birthday Reece!
FYI: I hated trying to post my pictures on blogger so I do it now in Windows Live Writer. It is the best thing I have ever done. I can post tons of pictures so quickly. I can make them huge or use effects with them. I switch to Windows Live because Rhoda at SouthernHospitality said she loved it. I write my post there and then publish it to blogger.
Just and idea. I think you would love it. Let me know if you have any questions. You could give it a trial run.
God bless,
I'm glad Reece had a wonderful birthday.
I posted a comment a second ago, but I don't know where it went?
I just wanted to let you know that I used to have trouble trying to post pictures on blogger. I read on Rhoda's blog at Southern Hospitality that she used Windows Live Writer to post on blogger. So I tried it and I love it. I can post so quickly and I can move my pictures around wherever I want them. There are lots of effects you can do with the pictures too. I will never go back to posting on blogger. With Windows Live, I just write my post, click on "publish" and it sends it to my blog. I haven't had any trouble with it so far. You might want to give it a try. Let me know if you have any questions.
I also wanted to ask you to pray for my mom. She was diagnosed with cancer of her stomach and liver this past week and we are devastated. I am actually at her house right now. My sister and I are taking turns staying with her. She is an angel. I am so very close to her and my heart is so heavy. I am trying to trust God, but my faith feels so weak. Could you please say a prayer on her behalf? If you have any prayer warriors you could share this with, I would greatly appreciate it. She is in need of God's divine healing.
Bless you,
We deal with numerous food allergies, too, and Rice Krispie treats have become a sweet treat staple for parties, etc. They are great b/c they can be shaped into many different forms (shamrocks, flowers, sand castles, turkeys - you name it!) plus they are cheap, quick and easy.
There are also egg replacements (Ener-g) that you can use with regular recipes (may take some fiddlin') or try homemade ones like mushed tofu, extra baking powder, flax seeds. I've successfully baked quick breads, cakes & brownies that the whole family can enjoy.
You may also try googling "Wacky Cake" which is a dairy & egg free chocolate cake. It's so easy and pretty good (especially with lots of chocolate icing).
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