As I watch the Olympics at night, I am amazed at the talent and strength these people have.
I can't help but think of this verse....
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish." Hebrews 12:1,2
When you see the competitors, they never have anything that will hinder their race. They are stream-lined with clothing and gear that will make them faster so they can race at their BEST.
May we do the same thing in our daily race that God has set before us!
As we run our races for crowns that we will ultimately give back to You, Lord Jesus, may we fix our hearts on You! You are the author of our faith, without your resurrection and death we would be lost in our sins. You are the Lamb of God and the risen Lord! It is You Who gives us power over sin that we may live victorious lives. You are on Your throne in heaven receiving our worship and the worship of millions of others. May we glorify you and run our races to the best of our ability. May we not get tripped up in sin that so easily entangles but run with freedom with all that we are. Help us to throw off any sin that is slowing us down. Give us zeal. Give us strength. Give us an eternal perspective when we grow weary. Help us keep our eyes on the hear Your voice when you say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Give us talents so that others will see us winning our race and desire to know You!
On a side note, the boys got their hair cut last night.
Lake lost his bozo tufts. Reece wanted a summer cut for soccer season so he wouldn't get hot.
I can't post a picture of Reece on here because my mom will cry. I want to cry too.
Here is his hair.
He still has curls (and a dirty face).

Tim cooks for me almost every night. I am ridiculously spoiled.
Here is what we ate last night after the boys were in bed.
That is mango. MMMMMMMM!
I love my hottie husband.
We also watched a video while we ate called Indescribable. It is one of the most moving presentations of God's creation I have ever seen. If you need a jump start in your relationship with God, ORDER THIS VIDEO. You will be blown away by the greatness of God and His love for you. Tim and I were stunned in silence as tears rolled down our faces. This makes for a great date night movie!!!
What a great God we serve!!!!!
Jeremy and I watched this video at our Bible study several months ago. Our leader said it would be amazing and would move us like nothing we had ever seen before. I've had many wonderful and moving expereinces in my Christian life, but nothing compared to this! It is TRULY AWESOME--like nothing I've ever seen before!!!!!
I know! I ordered all three of the DVD's (Indescribable, Hope, How Great is Our God) just before we left and am still anxiously awaiting them.
The hair cutting reminds me of Duffer chopping Davis' off!!! How does Tim know how to cut hair too??? Is there anything he can't do???
That food looks scrumptous!!!
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