I have thought a lot about my last post. Some of the things the commenter said really made me examine my life and my heart. It was actually a very good thing. I had to think, "do I come across as miss-prissy-perfect?, do I portray myself accurately or paint a picture of someone I am not?, do I judge people who don't believe what I believe or do what I do?". I have had lots of questions like that floating through my head. It was such a good opportunity to recognize areas of my heart that I need God to change.
I know accusations and unkind words will come... I have opened myself up to that by living my life in public on this blog. It really made me see the benefit of a clear conscience. There are so many things I have done in my life that I wish I could take back or change. The ones I regret the most were before I gave my life to the Lord when I was making decisions apart from seeking God's heart and just out of sheer selfishness and stupidity. I was mean, rebellious, self-seeking and sneaky. Some consequences have lasted years. But, God, in His faithfulness has forgiven and changed me. I am not perfect. I still BLOW IT everyday. I know we cannot be sinless but I truly do desire to SIN LESS. I want to have a clean conscience before God. I don't want to have secret sins that can destroy me, my family and any ministry God allows me to have. I don't want my heart to drop when someone calls and says they 'need to talk to me about something'. I want to be ready to give the reason I hope in the Lord to ANYONE who asks- even the waitress, my neighbors, the check-out lady, my friends from high school or the person sitting beside me on the plane for example. How have I come across to them? Do they want to know why I have hope, joy, and love? Or do they even see any of those things in me to make them curious?
I want to be gentle and respectful. I want to live a life in the light- not the dark. I don't want to be a hypocrite. I want people to see Jesus in me and make HIS beauty known. He is righteous, I am not. He was sinless, I am not. I am thankful He died for me. I am thankful that He can change me and show me wrong attitudes or behaviors that need to go.
I am thankful He can sanctify, change, redeem, and restore.
I am thankful that we can all be washed white as snow the moment of salvation. That He will never accuse us after forgiveness.
BUT our enemy will.
We cannot give Satan any more opportunities than he will already have. We are protected by righteousness and a clean conscience. When we obey God's Word, we are protected- we will probably never know the extent of that protection until heaven.
I pray that God will help me to be R-E-A-L. Real before Him and real before others.
I am just a girl who was rescued from her sin (and her self!) by Jesus and trying to live a life that reflects how grateful I am for that.
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."
1 Peter 3:15,16
We just got back from a fabulous, intense, tiring trip to Disney World. We planned this trip for Bubba's birthday months ago. We had some Disney tickets already and got cheap flights on Allegiant Air. I also found a Hotel for $29 a night! It really wasn't that bad!! So, off we went...
Lake stayed here with my saintly friend, Kristy. We were so thrilled to be able to go with no pac-n-play, no stroller and no diapers! I missed Lake so much though. My heart was breaking for him by day 3.
I knew he was in the BEST hands possible but life just seems sad and wierd when I am away from one of my kids. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child. I am so sorry for all of you moms who have. 

That was our celebratory candy bar 'toast to our trip' at the airport.
We played Pirate Ship putt-putt the first night... HUGE hit.

Next, BLIZZARD BEACH. I love it because I worked there in college and the boys love it....well... cause it is a water park. Enjoy the pictures. I didn't' get many good ones because it is so hard on vacation to get anyone to hold still long enough for a picture and I didn't have the camera most of the time. I was surprised that I had any good ones but I love some of these...

Beautiful words and pictures! LOVE IT!
one more thing.....The new picture at the top of the BLOG....Oh my heck... There just aren't words to tell you.... I LOVE IT!!
LOVE the pictures!!!!!! Seriously. Thanks for the great words about a clear conscience. You're amazing.
Matthew wants to know the name of your $29 hotel!! Email me or send me a message on FB!
Glad you had a great time with your boys. I was concerned for the weather in the a.m., but I see it was fantabulous. I appreciate your words of consciousness, I was reminded this weekend how I can live behind a secret wall and not be real with my feelings or who I really am...you remind me of that today. Sin less, that is what I want too. My words, my thoughts, my raised eyebrow in judgement. So much. Thanks.
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