This was also a Christmas present for the boys...
It is a mural and is on the wall of their room. It is pretty fun in there.
Come visit and go for a ride, MATEYS!
Lake is an absolute doll-baby. That is my cell phone in his hand that is usually lost or so slimy you can hardly hold it next to your cheek without getting slimed.
My friends with girls have never seen anything like this before...
Tim was so excited bc we found this sweatshirt on clearance at TJMax. He went to Dental School at Louisville. WHAT A TREASURE! A cardinal sweatshirt for Lake! We couldn't believe the odds of finding this little tiny sweatshirt. The only problem was when we put it on him we discovered it was made for a pet monkey. The hoodie was tiny- I had to cut it to get it over his head, the arms were miles long and it was really tight on his tummy.
I rolled the sleeves back.
I threw it away after we took these pictures.
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