Some of you know the funny story about Bubba's name but I will share with the few who don't how he got his name....
When I was pregnant with him, I loved the name Evan and bonded with him as Evan. Tim wasn't sold on the name. We thought we would wait until we saw him to name him (BIG MISTAKE). I saw him and still wanted to name him Evan. Tim didn't. So 3 days later, before we could be released from the hospital, we had to choose a name for his paperwork. We decided to compromise and name him Ethan. I agreed because it is a name from the Bible and Ethan in the Bible was a musician in the temple and wrote a Psalm. I felt good about it and Tim liked it.
We left the hospital with baby Ethan and sent out birth announcements announcing the birth of Ethan Hayes Blackiston. There was only one problem. I had already subconsciously named him EVAN and could not bring myself to call him Ethan. It was all wrong. I cried for a solid week telling our parents that I had given their new grandson the wrong name. They said time will help. Just keep calling him "Ethan" until it feels right. Well, it never did.
In a postpartum call to Tim's mom, she said... "If it is that important to you, then just change it to Evan". I said, really?? Can I? So, I begged Tim to let me change our newborn's name. He lovingly let me. I had to go through piles of paperwork to change his name. I was actually thankful when I called the Tennessee State Birth Certificate office and they transferred me to the 'newborn name change department'. I guess I am not the only nutty mom who has done that.
His birth certificate now says Ethan with a line through it and Evan written above.
The funniest part of this story is that no one calls him either.
Reece couldn't say "baby" when Bubba was born because he was just a little over a year old.
Instead of "baby", he said "Bubba". We thought it was cute never dreaming it would stick.... and it stuck.
He is "Bubba" to everyone who knows him.
He is "Bubba" to everyone who knows him.
I am so grateful for him.
We thought he died when he was 8 months old. It turned out to be a weird sickness that caused him to have a seizure and his eyes to roll back in his head and go limp all the way to the ER. I will never forget that car ride where all I could do was feel for a pulse and sing praise songs. I didn't think he was going to celebrate a birthday.
Thank you God for my sweet, sweet, Bubba.
There is never a question where my kids want to have their parties.... MIMI'S HOUSE!! So, we planned the party after Thanksgiving with my mom and dad, my grandparents, my sister and her 4 kids.
I am determined Bubba won't have 'middle child syndrome' so I try my best to always let him know how special he is to us. We had a pirate party and it was a huge hit. There were pirates everywhere!! :)
I love this post! I always wondered how Bubba got his name, and if that was his "official" name or not. Since I don't live in the South, it always seems so exotic to me! Happy Birthday, Bubba.
These are the posts I love! THANK YOU for being a mommy Blogger today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUBBA!
Also, I am still getting grief from Brandon who washes my feet at least three times a week and I never blog about it. "Tim does it once and he gets a full page!"
We love you guys!
Hey I forgot to wish you Happy Birthday!!
Is Bubba's birthday close to yours??
I love the story of how Bubba got his name!!! Looks like y'all had a great Thanksgiving and birthday and now Disney!?! How exciting!!!
What a great story about his name! I bet he'll love telling it one day. your hair looks great short.
Happy Birthday Bubba. So if you were at Dollywood, we were about an hour away checking out the snow up on the Tenn/NC line in the Great Smokey Mts. Good times.
Are you really going to DW? Great fun. We are planning to hit it a few times this month with our passes... it is so great at Christmas.
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