Saturday, December 13, 2008

Party, Party, Party.

Tim's Christmas gift to me was to let me redecorate our den. I never felt like it was cozy for some reason.
So... that picture was "before".

Here is "after"! I love it. Come over!!!

We had a big party at our house last night. I have been stressed about it and busy preparing for what I thought was going to be about 50 people but turned out to be more like 35-40. We had Macaroni Grill cater and I had seating for everyone. It was SO FUN!

I didn't have anywhere for the boys to I just put them in bed before the party and they slept through the whole noisy thing. I am so glad they are good sleepers.

I put Angela in charge of taking pictures. I found some pretty interesting ones on my camera.

We had a raffle for a bunch of fun prizes like teeth whitening, a couples' relaxation massage at their house, free babysitting with dinner gift certificates, etc...

All the money went to our local crisis pregnancy center. We raised $520!! and we had a lot of fun doing it. I had the 2 pregnant girls draw the tickets. I thought they might be "lucky". ;)

This was a gag gift.

Tiramisu!MMMMMMMMMMmmmm. I am eating some as I type.

Angela, Me, Kristy, Ginny.

That is Ryan. He is married to Ginny. He said that she is freakishly strong and told me to arm wrestle her. He is right. She is freakishly strong. I thought I was strong from carrying Lake. I was wrong.

So, then, Angela and I had to arm wrestle. It was a tie. We never moved for what seemed like an hour.

"C'mon baby. You can do it. EAT HIS LUNCH!!!"

That's Ginny. They were so cute together.
****Well, I think it was a success! We had a ball. I can't wait to take the money to AAA.
We have a wonderful Sunday School class at our Church. We are very blessed by all of these friendships!! Anyone looking for a Church in Chattanooga needs to come visit Woodland Park and come to our class.


AG said...

Steph, I LOVE your new den!!
Well, I loved it before, but now wow!! Really nice girl!!

Looked like a ton of fun.

So glad you guys raised all that money for AAA. I'm proud of you, a party with a purpose :)

Angela said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! That girl taking your pictures sure was weird.

But where is the picture of you and Ginny arm wrestling?? C'mon, now, those were some funny shots.

Thanks for the marvelous time. I think the most amazing thing of all was that your boys slept through the whole thing.

Alicia said...

Oh, I HATE that we had to miss! Our kids were sick, then I got sick too. :-( Just when we are getting involved in the class this would have been a great opportunity to fellowship with you all. I'm glad you all had so much fun, and your house looks gorgeous!

gillian said...

Love your new den, especially the polka dot fabric! What a fun party, and YUMMY Macaroni Grill!!! The picture of Tim and Ryan...Tim looks like he's all of about 20 years old!

The Skinner 3 said...

I think I can see my throat in that picture. Why couldn't my number have been called before that? Ha!

Thanks for hosting us! We had a blast. I hope we did not wear out our welcome staying that long.

The Pumphrey's said...

I was looking at your pictures and I saw an old friend - Ginny! We were sorority sisters in college - small world! I love your den!! Who makes all your curtains, pillows, etc? If you say you, I am coming down for you to teach me :) Glad you guys had a good time and what a wonderful cause!

LeslieTummel said...

Thanks for hosting the party! We had a great time!

Ryan said...

Hey - this is Ginny, who is Pumphrey's?
Stephanie, we had a great time at your house - it was a fun pary. Hope to see you soon.

staciet said...

Love the new stuff. The curtains and the dog pillow ottoman are great. Come help me!!!!!!!!!!!

jord,ali,hal,kam and grae too! said...

again...just as i said when you decorated at the beach...i wish i could fly you over to just do mine!! :-)

Erin Southwell said...

Your new room looks wonderful!!!! Great job!! And you know I love that chair:) I'm actually working on a sofa (yikes!) so it is taking awhile (during the holidays!) but I promise to share pictures soon.

Your party looked like such fun!

Luca said...

Dude, sorry we missed the party! We've been going crazy for the past two months--travel, sickness, travel, sickness... non-stop.