My life is getting pretty difficult these days as Lake is inching closer and closer toward 2 years old. He is my most active toddler yet (and Bubba was hard to beat!). I really can't blog as much any more because if I take my eyes off him, he is in TROUBLE! Today, for instance, while I am homeschooling the boys... he is turning the lights off and on, while I was praying with a friend on the phone... he was pouring out my paint samples in the garage (red paint got on my FAVORITE jeans), he got into my makeup bag again and emptied out everything that would pour or dump and put the rest on his face, the other day he was pouring pancake syrup on the floor in the pantry and having the time of his life. Those are just a few examples that I can think of off the top of my head. But, we can't forget his daily activities of rubbing Old Spice deodorant all over his face, cleaning out my Tupperware cabinet, climbing the pantry shelves, playing in the sinks and putting my toothbrush in the nasty tub after he uses it to clean the bathroom. All that to say, my blog time is limited. My mom told me today that I might as well make peace with the fact I will have NO life until he is a little older.
I borrowed a black sturdy gate and Tim put in on his door frame so I could let him play in his room while I homeschool. I was so excited that I wouldn't have to chase him or worry about him while we were doing school. I put him in there with his train table and toys and thought, "ahhhh- sanity". The next thing I know he walked up to the gate pressed the lever, opened it and walked out. He shut it behind him and had a puzzled look on his face like, "that's an odd place for a gate. wonder why she put that there? huh. where was I? oh yeah, mom's makeup.".
The craziest part of all this is that I have baby fever BAD!! Yep, I want more. It is still not an option because of health reasons but I think about another baby all the time. Tim doesn't have baby fever- he has baby phobia. One more and I may be visiting him through a protective glass window in the funny farm.
Lake is already in bed and the older boys are at basketball practice. My house is quiet for the first time today. I have a second to reflect on how precious these days are even if they are chaotic. I love my life. I love it that we had nowhere to go today. Just being together on a cold, rainy day. I love being with these crazy boys. They fill my heart with joy (and my house with messes!).
The boys and I are working on our 'School Christmas program' :). I love Christmas. I love the lights, the decorations, being with family, thinking about Jesus... all of it!! Reece and Bubba will be reciting all of the scripture we have memorized this semester in their program. I am so proud of them. This has been HARD work. But work that will last for a lifetime (and longer because God's Word is eternal!).
I hope to get it on video. We may even do a manger scene with Lake as baby Jesus. That thought alone should keep
you coming back and checking in!!!
FYI- He does wear clothes if I can catch him to put them on him.
Love your post, this is your real life girl, people can take it or leave it!!! Andrew still can't do any of those things you listed about Lake. He couldn't unscrew a top if his little life depended on it so I guess I should count my blessings!
Sounds like Lake and Jonah are two peas in a pod. Such a shock to my system, my girls were nothing like this. When I think about it I feel so happy and smile....when I am cleaning up the messes I feel crazy. And, I also have baby fever, yet I fear that there will be a day that I loose my mind :)
Lake on the potty??? I haven't even considered.....boy would I love it though!
I must say I am glad to hear of your adventures with the boys, I had been praying for you and your health since we had not heard much since the feeding of the five thousand on the ark. I love the imagery of Lake walking out of his funny!
Last night I kept a friend from church's children while she went to her father in law's funeral.....her kids are 10 months and 2 yrs old. Five hours with them wore me out and they were in bed for 2 of those hours! With my kids being 7 and 4, I guess I have forgotten (rather quickly) what it is like to have a toddler getting into everything.
My husband has baby fever too. I am kind of like Tim.....done.
Love this post!!
Lake is wonderful!! He is going to be your Genius!!
A genius is a person who successfully applies a previously unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science or calculation, or who masters and personalizes a known technique. A genius typically possesses great intelligence or remarkable abilities in a specific subject, or shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and/or ability, especially in the production of creative and original work, something that has never been seen or evaluated previously. Traits often associated with genius include strong individuality, imagination, uniqueness, and innovative drive.
Sounds like him huh??? :)
Love you guys!
Love this post!!
Lake is wonderful!! He is going to be your Genius!!
A genius is a person who successfully applies a previously unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science or calculation, or who masters and personalizes a known technique. A genius typically possesses great intelligence or remarkable abilities in a specific subject, or shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect and/or ability, especially in the production of creative and original work, something that has never been seen or evaluated previously. Traits often associated with genius include strong individuality, imagination, uniqueness, and innovative drive.
Sounds like him huh??? :)
Love you guys!
I'm encouraged that despite it all you still have baby fever. :) I think Tim should get you a spa day for Christmas!
You would probably appreciate the post I just finished on Christmas-the coming of Christ as sort of the utimate Calgon. :)
Well, this sounds a lot like my daily life! You are not alone...I love the scripture, "Don't grow weary while doing good, for in the end you will reap a harvest if you faint not!" I think everyday there is a point where I feel like fainting- But I know there is huge payoff for putting our God and families first!!!
I thought you might appreciate a video-My kids have discovered the Jonas Brothers-they have a really neat video I thought you would appreciate! You can watch it on (It's called Love bug). Let me know if you see it- when Troy and I saw it, we both cried...very cool picture of lasting love. I am getting teased from my friends so help me here!
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