Thursday, April 30, 2009

Here am I. Send me.

** Just got home from Tim's appt with the orthopedic dr. His x-ray showed enough healing that he won't have to have surgery! We are having a Praise the Lord party this afternoon at our house. The boys have prayed diligently (everyday in home school for months) for God to heal their daddy's arm and He did it! Woooo-hoooooooooo!!
"... what does the Lord ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul..."
Deut 10:12
This verse has been on my mind a lot lately. I read this on my date with the King of Kings.
As I walk with the Lord, I am realizing the simplicity of it all.
All He wants is my heart.
He wants us to fall in love with Him. He is worthy of our love and praise because of all He has done and continues to do for us. For the splendor of His creation. For redemption. For forgiveness. For an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-kept in heaven for us.
Those examples don't even scrape the surface of His infinite worth.
So, what does this verse mean?
How can we do this?
I look at my life and think... I have a chronic illness (that God is going to heal me of) and 3 young children.
What in the world could I give him of worth or value? How can He use Me? I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.
(**I am not saying that a mom doesn't already have a huge ministry to her family! I take my ministry of taking care of and teaching my boys Scripture very seriously and wouldn't trade it for the world.)
The answer is so simple you guys---
A surrendered heart.
No matter what your circumstances are you can...
1. Fear God
2. Walk in all His ways
3. Love Him
4. Serve Him with all your heart and soul.
"God, I have no idea how you can use me, BUT DO IT. All that I have is yours. Help me to walk in Your ways, love you and serve you with my whole heart and soul."
It makes me think of when Jesus divided the fish and the loaves to feed five thousand.
We give Him so little, He gives us SO much in return.
What can God do with ONE surrendered heart who says, "Yes!" to God?
Um, let's think.
Billy Graham.
Beth Moore.
Alistair Begg.
Mother Theresa.
Paul the apostle.
Corrie Ten Boom.
Mark Kirk (Great site to listen to phenomenal Bible teaching).
Dwight Moody.
Charles Spurgeon.
Jim Elliot.
Nick Vujicic (watch this- this guy is CRAZY cool).
Joni Eareckson Tada.
and on...
and on...
and on.
Think of the generations and generations of people whose lives were changed due to
ONE surrendered heart that said "YES" to what God asked in this verse. Lives transformed. Churches planted. Believers strengthened. Strongholds demolished. Miracle upon miracle all starting from the life of ONE person. Obviously, God initiates the whole snow ball but we get the fun of being used by him. What a thrilling adventure!
I am feeling such a holy anticipation of what God is doing in His people.
In you. In me.
How He desires to use us for His glory to change lives.
I am wholly His. I cannot wait to see what He does next.
As I finish up our current conference call Bible Study,
I am praying for clarity and vision about what He wants me to do next.
My questions for you are...
What is holding you back?
Are you ready?
Do you desire to be used by God?
Do you want a vibrant relationship with Him?
Do you want to make a difference in your life that will cause ripple effects into future generations long
after you are partying in heaven? Do you want to bear LUSCIOUS fruit each season without fail?
(that was in Bubba's version of Psalm 1- I think it is so cute when he says, "luscious fruit")
Are you ready to say "Yes" to the call of God on your life?
(and believe me, He has specific plans to use you in ways that will blow your mind!)
Then, NOW is the time.
Let's do it together.
You ready?
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
Isaiah 6:8
Let's go.


Anonymous said...

You are a tremendous source of strength and inspiration. Indeed, let's go!


p.s. - have you begun reading 'crazy love'? I am purchasing a copy tonight.

LeslieTummel said...

Thank you for calling me back today! :) I hope you had a great day with your boys. Your husband is a busy man...his first appointment was August 27! Don't worry, it's in my phone, so I won't be a no show! :) See you soon!

Lynné said...

Hey Steph - I got some news today that made me think of you. My dad may possibly have Lyme disease. They are just waiting on all of the labs to come back, and we will know for sure. Please be praying for him in the meantime, his name is Delon Wigley.
Thanks in advance! God bless you!

Lynne' (one of your blog stalkers!)

Anonymous said...

I'm ready, Steph

HIS Child said...

I am so with you, Let's go Girls!!!
I love your heart and the Lord is so using you to encourage, exhort, learn His Word, love others.
You are sowing into those three Princes the Lord has blessed you and Tim with. Do you know what an
amazing inheritance you two are giving them. It blows my mind to think that you in your sweet humble spirit you think that you are not being used. The job you do at home is priceless, so enjoy it and rest in the King's presence. Much love,