"What was I about to say again? Oh yeah..."
I say that a lot these days so
please disregard all typos and ramblings in this... I haven't slept more than 2 1/2 hours in one month. I need Nanny 911 to help me get my babies to sleep. I stink at this part every time. Oh well, I will come back to life in 6-9 months when I sleep again.
It is hard to be this sleepy with 3 very active boys. High energy+no energy= overwhelmed momma. I am so easily overwhelmed these days. It is kind of funny the things that make me want to cry just by looking at them like my messy closet, spit up on my clean sheets again(that I have washed 10 times this week), finger prints on everything, a list a mile long of thank you notes I need to write, my kitchen floor, dirty dishes, etc... but then I remind myself of the fact that I have been blessed beyond measure. That God has heard my cries (for 5 years) for a miracle with my health and more children and has ANSWERED them. I am feeling good besides tired. I have been taking daily shots to prevent a relapse of Lyme symptoms and Tim continues to pray Psalms over me at night. I think we are winning this battle with prayer and God's Word. God is so good. I am still forced to trust him for tomorrow but He has lifted me out of the pit of suffering and blessed me so much.
Tim and I went on a date last night and I about fell asleep in my Chicken Tortilla Soup. We talked about feeling like failure parents because we are so tired. We prayed as we drove that God would help us parent out of the Spirit- not the flesh. I have realized the I WILL fail if God doesn't show me how to parent these sweet ones with His strength and love and not my own.
The black food coloring was NOT a good idea. It was EVERYWHERE.

The birthday boy...
March 8, 3 years ago...
My sweet Lake Christian was given to me.

We had a fun party.
You can see the LOVE oozing out of these pictures of Bubba and Tim.

The birthday boy...
My sweet Lake Christian was given to me.

You can see the LOVE oozing out of these pictures of Bubba and Tim.
incapable of being separated, parted, or disjoined;
inseparable companions or friends.
This is why I want Hope to have a sister....

Some kids know how to lick the bowl.... OF LIFE.
Bubba is one of those kids.

Some kids know how to lick the bowl.... OF LIFE.
Bubba is one of those kids.
Here are all 8 of them.
Hope cracks me up when she screams like the lady in the shower in the Psycho movies and then you pick her up and she looks like this....
I am pretty sure she is going to rule this roost.
He loves her.
Bubba brought this to me one morning when my eyes were bloodshot from fatigue, I had on the same clothes and makeup from the day before and am chubby from just being pregnant...
Lake walks around the house singing. While going to the bathroom, while playing, while bothering his brothers.
His favorite is What a Mighty God We Serve.
I know he is going to be our little Worship Leader.
He started singing years before he talked.
I love to sneak in there after they are in bed and climb in Reece's bunk with him. The little ones fall asleep before he does. We go on a date in the moonlight. I ask him all kinds of questions and tell him stories about when he was a baby and how much I loved him. That the first thing I noticed when I saw him was his dimple. Reece has really become my friend. I respect him a lot. He is kind and gentle and knows Jesus. I listen (and learn) when he talks about God.
Being a mom is such a blessing. I want so badly to love these children and lead them to the feet of Jesus.
God, please help me.
You and Tim are doing a wonderful job raising those children. They are a joy to be around, and I love them with my whole heart.
I went to a Hearts at Home conference in Illinois this weekend. I went to a workshop titled, Real Moms...Real Jesus. Jill Savage, The author of the book Real Mom...Real Jesus, gave the talk. She explained to us how Jesus understands all that we go though as Moms.
Jesus was interrupted.
Jesus was in high demand.
Jesus was always being touched.
Jesus was followed by people everywhere he went.
Jesus had his sleep interrupted!
Jesus dealt with disobedience.
Jesus was TIRED!
Jesus was always being watched.
Jesus was betrayed
Jesus was disappointed.
He also showed us how to live....
Jesus pulled away from the crowds to refuel.
Jesus set boundaries.
Jesus sacrificed.
Jesus forgave.
Jesus resisted temptation.
Jesus prayed.
I know you know this well....but I know someone that know exactly how you feel!! I hope you get some rest! :)
You look amazing! 15 pds over weight? Where exactly is that?? haha! Hope is absolutely gorgeous!!
Ok, first of all - your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!!! and you don't look at all chubby!
Secondly, where did you find that moon thing? My boys would LOVE IT!
I had a neighbor once who had a theory that the youngest female in the house is the one who controls the house. Hope sure is beautiful!
I hear you on the no sleep thing. I'm here at work and probably slept for 3 hours last night but it was all broken up. Oh well - God and caffeine can keep me going, I guess!
Hope we both get some sleep very soon!
What a beautiful post and a beautiful heart...and pictures that shhow your world....I love the moon.....
He will so answer the prayers of his faithful servants. You and Tim have the hearts of servants, and the Lord will surely bless, keep and fill you both to overflowing as you step out to raise your "Warriors and Princess" in all HIS ways. Your family is beautiful and more importantly your heart for HIm is exceedingly, abundantly overflowing.
You both will be blessed as he will give each of you his portion to fully prop each other up, when the other needs it. Have a blessed week.
Love ya,
Steph-ive thought about you every day since wynn's arrival and HOW you are doing "this" w 3 more in tow! You rock my socks off. LU, E
P.s.-here is what i wrote and what was revealed to me on this very subject.
this is one of my favorite posts yet... i can't really explain why other than the fact that my heart feels the same way... that i pray nightly over my boys to grow into the men of God that this world so desperately needs... that i can't wait to crawl into bed with owen and listen to him teach me... you are a wonderful mother... and you are very blessed!
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