Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bubba and I missed Reece's party!

So, last night I layed out everyone's clothes and had everything ready for the big party. I was so excited!! Then Tim woke me up at 3:00 am to tell me that Bubba had been throwing up since 1:30 (don't ask me how I didn't hear it- I was dead asleep). Needless to say, we were up all night with him. I almost canceled the party but Tim made it happen without me. I stayed home with Bubba and Lake while Reece and daddy were off for the celebration. Tim is amazing. He pulled this whole thing off going on about an hour of sleep. Here is the sick boy in the "sick boy bed" right in front of the movies.
He thought that was cool. That is his puke bucket.
He never gets his passy but I felt sorry for him.

Meanwhile, the party goes on without us!

Reece and Preston
He is eating his name off the cupcakes.

Reece and his big buddy Robby.

My sweet friends made it without me.
By the way, this was a party for little boys only.
I didn't think girls would like it.

His party was in this train car...

I thought this was a fun picture.
Luke, Robby, Reece and Joshua
Tim thinks it looks like a CD cover for their band.

True Love in this picture.

Thanks so much Tim for doing all this without me!
You are a fabulous father!!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm in a funny mood but I cracked up over Tim's comment about the CD cover picture because it TOTALLY does! Great capture!

Diana Simpson said...

you are a super dad!! gooooo TIM! We missed you steph! dd