Bubba begged for a Tinkerbell birthday cake and a party at Mimi's house. He thinks she is so cool because she can fly. That is what he wanted so that is what he got. I am sure this is the strangest cake order Sam's has ever had.
The attendees...
(these are Christmas ornaments)
Peter Pan...
Captain Hook...
Tinkerbell of course...

Hannah, the tough soccer chick.

Taylor is amazing with kids.

Show me the love!
Since it was his cake, we didn't stop him from just taking a big bite out of it...
Look at his teeth marks and look who is in his little fingers...
Hannah, the tough soccer chick.
Taylor is amazing with kids.
I got it for him in Times Square a couple weeks ago.

I had so much fun watching Bubba relish in all the attention and gifts.
Lake is almost too strong for anybody to hold unless he is sleeping.
Allie was just as excited about Tinkerbell.
Jack had icing in his nose but doesn't seem to mind.
Early Christmas suprise from MIMI!
Mom got the boys two new race cars for Christmas and just couldn't wait another minute so we went ahead and gave them to the boys. THANK YOU SO MUCH, MOM! They are over-the-moon/crazy/excited about them.
I know my boys are spoiled. They aren't getting anything else for Christmas.
We are going to sponsor a needy family.
Recognize that track, Kingsport buddies?
It is just a race track to them.
Show me the love!
Steph, you're amazing. Thanks so much for doing this so I can look at pictures of my beautiful family while I'm supposed to be working! You're far more than I'd hoped for in a wife.... see you soon. Tim
what a fun fun birthday, love the cake, love those cars!!! diana
Love that cake! looks fun!
Love ya!
My favorite thing is not even that he wanted the tinker bell cake, it's that you walked up to the counter at Sam's and said, "Yes Tinkerbell, oh and could you say Happy Birthday Bubba." I love y'all!
I love the "pit stop" picture. When a mans gotta go, a mans gotta go!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Love all the wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing.
Too cute!!! The funniest part is yet to come when he is older and is like "why did you let me have a Tinker Bell cake?"
Wow... seeing these pics just reminds me how much I love you guys. You're such terrific parents! Loved all of the photos! You did great!
Youre a total Blogger Bum....more pics please!
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