There is another little boy named Reece in our neighborhood that is one month older than my Reece. I forgot to take the other Reece's picture! I was too busy chasing a little curly-headed nut. Every year we get to go to this birthday party. Every year, it is bigger and better. I could not believe it when we pulled up to this waterslide....

Lake was a full-time job of course. Here he is leaving.
Then Tim took him down the monster waterslide.
I wasn't exactly comfortable with this since it is STRAIGHT UP
He LOVED IT!! I have never seen him love anything as much as he did this waterslide.
He would run as fast as he could back to climb up again and wait on Tim to take him.
I am telling you he has no idea he is a baby.

They must have done it 20 times.

Tim got this picture because he thought it was funny when he caught this out of the corner of his eye. Lake is all tangled up in the soccer net. I couldn't get him out.
This is the kind of stuff I do all day when I am not blogging.
I just recently said to my mom, "I cannot wait until he is 2!". She grinned and said, "You actually think he is going to be easier at 2?".
Thanks for inviting us, Kim. We had such a good time.
I always joke that I am going to put all of these pictures in my Reece's baby book and tell him later that they were his parties. The cakes always say Reece. I think I could pull it off. :)
This is the kind of stuff I do all day when I am not blogging.
I just recently said to my mom, "I cannot wait until he is 2!". She grinned and said, "You actually think he is going to be easier at 2?".
I always joke that I am going to put all of these pictures in my Reece's baby book and tell him later that they were his parties. The cakes always say Reece. I think I could pull it off. :)
I want to go on that waterslide!!!
You look beautiful as ever! Trust me, enjoy Lake while he's pre-2! Ashlyn is crazy active, and the closer she gets to 2, the more afraid I am! :0
My other 3 weren't quite so spastic!!
Steph - love your mom's comment - we have 2 "Lakes" - my advice - wishing them to turn 2 only wishes them into more trouble... :)
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